When grapes look picture-perfect at harvest time, hopes are high for excellent wines. Such was the case in the Mosel 2018 !
…an outstanding vintage is aging in our cellar and we can‘t wait to show it!
fotocredit @rieslingfee #riesling #rotschiefer #mosel #grownnotmade #sorentbergriesling #jointventure #friends #handcrafted #steepslope #unique #terroir #petrified #fossil #redclay #schiefer #ungrafted #oldvines #finewine #drinkriesling #winefreak #wineoclock #winetime #winestagram #winelover #naturalwine #wein #vino #wine #wineryreflection #wset
@tobias_riesling @ivangiovanett @castelfederwinery @juliustreis

Do you know this guys in today‘s @falstaff.magazin Newsletter ? 🤣🎉🍾
See you at the BIG BOTTLE PARTY, the kick-off tasting for @prowein_tradefair ! #sorentberg #riesling #rotschiefer #mosel #grownnotmade #sorentbergriesling #jointventure #friends #handcrafted #steepslope #unique #terroir #redclay #schiefer #ungrafted #oldvines #finewine #drinkriesling #winefreak #wineoclock #winetime #winestagram #winelover #naturalwine #wein #vino #wine #wineryreflection
@tobias_riesling @ivangiovanett @castelfederwinery @juliustreis

12 different vinifications have been made for our Rotschiefer Riesling in 2018.
The result are barrels with own distinctive #rotschiefer caracteristics!
The vineyard was therefore divided into 6 blocks, in each one the lower and upper part were harvested separately and in different periodes!
#steepslope #riesling #grownnotmade #mosel #sorentbergriesling #jointventure #friends #handcrafted #steepslope #unique #terroir #petrified #fossil #redclay #schiefer #ungrafted #oldvines #finewine #drinkriesling #winefreak #wineoclock #winetime #winestagram #winelover #naturalwine #wein #vino #wine
@tobias_riesling @ivangiovanett @castelfederwinery @juliustreis

Did you know, that only in a few Mosel vineyards Riesling is grown on red slate soil?
SORENTBERG‘s 9,48ha are really unique, as it is the only vineyard on the entire Mosel with the so-called 'Wissenbach slate' a 375mio year old soil type with shell inclusions.
Visit us @prowein_tradefair in Düsseldorf, HALL 15 – F77
#terroir #rotschiefer #riesling #vineyard #mosel #grownnotmade #jointventure #friends #handcrafted #steepslope #redclay #schiefer #ungrafted #oldvines #finewine #drinkriesling #winefreak #wineoclock #winetime #winestagram #winelover #naturalwine #wein #vino #wine
@tobias_riesling @ivangiovanett @castelfederwinery @juliustreis
@terroir_matters @moselwein.eu @mythos_mosel @moselfinewines @meininger_online

Back to Düsseldorf city and ProWein, this year at its 25th edition!
As the last year SORENTBERG Riesling is placed with our distributor @castelfederwinery at Hall 15 – Stand F 77
You will find on tasting the last Sorentberg vintages as well as the NEW 2017 Riesling 'von 1000 Alten Reben'
#prowein #mosel #riesling #rotschiefer #grownnotmade #sorentbergriesling #jointventure #friends #handcrafted #steepslope #unique #terroir #petrified #fossil #redclay #schiefer #ungrafted #oldvines #finewine #drinkriesling #winefreak #wineoclock #winetime #winestagram #winelover #naturalwine #wein #vino #wine
@tobias_riesling @ivangiovanett @castelfederwinery @juliustreis

95pt Falstaff for the '1000 Alte Reben' Riesling
Taste it ProWein in Düsseldorf. You‘ll find us in
Hall 15 Stand F77
#mosel #riesling #altereben #grownnotmade #rotschiefer #sorentbergriesling #jointventure #friends #handcrafted #steepslope #unique #terroir #petrified #fossil #redclay #schiefer #ungrafted #oldvines #finewine #drinkriesling #winefreak #wineoclock #winetime #winestagram #winelover #naturalwine #wein #vino #wine
@tobias_riesling @ivangiovanett Castelfeder Winery Weingut Julius Treis

The first documentary mention of Reil/Mosel dates back to the year 1008. The town has always been strongly characterized by winegrowing and tourism.
This picture from early 1900 shows our 'Sorentberg' vineyard (upper background) and 'Falklay' (right behind the town).
The other two famous Riesling-Cru’s lay south (Mullay-Hofberg) and east (Goldlay) of the Mosel river. #history #mosel #riesling #handcrafted #steepslope #grownnotmade #oldvines #finewine #drinkriesling #sorentbergriesling #jointventure #friends #unique #terroir#petrified #fossil #redclay #schiefer #ungrafted #winefreak #familywinery #leidenschaft #winestagram #winelover #naturalwine #wein #vino #wine
@tobias_riesling @ivangiovanett Castelfeder Winery Weingut Julius Treis @ Reil, Germany

It ranks the vineyards in three tax brackets, based on net profit, including yields and labor costs, not just the quality and price of the wines!
Some sites that are now highly thought of were even ranked low at that time; Today (due to climate change) many producers have started to re-cultivate some of the lower rated side valleys) were Riesling grows still crisp, fresh and lively…even in hot years! #history #sorentberg #mosel #riesling #rotschiefer #grownnotmade #sorentbergriesling #jointventure #friends #handcrafted #steepslope #unique #terroir #redclay #schiefer #ungrafted #oldvines #finewine #drinkriesling #winefreak #wineoclock #winetime #winestagram #winelover #naturalwine #wein #vino #wine
@tobias_riesling @ivangiovanett @castelfederwinery @juliustreis

Is it the breathtaking view, the quietness here in the sidevalley or the impressive steepness?
…this picture shows the new-planted young vines in the lower part of the Sorentberg, the home of our Rotschiefer Riesling in 2012. #throwback #riesling #rotschiefer #vineyard #mosel #grownnotmade #sorentbergriesling #jointventure #friends #handcrafted #steepslope #unique #terroir#petrified #fossil #redclay #schiefer #ungrafted #oldvines #finewine #drinkriesling #winefreak #wineoclock #winetime #winestagram #winelover #naturalwine #wein #vino #wine
@tobias_riesling @ivangiovanett @castelfederwinery @juliustreis

Armed with big ambitions to make a world-class Riesling and willing to challenge established wisdome, we started to re-cultivate the abandoned Sorentberg vineyard in 2012.
#riesling #jointventure #friends #backontrack #vineyard #pruning #rotschiefer #mosel #grownnotmade #sorentbergriesling #handcrafted #steepslope #unique #terroir #redclay #schiefer #ungrafted #oldvines #finewine #drinkriesling #winefreak #wineoclock #winetime #winestagram #winelover #naturalwine #wein #vino #wine
@tobias_riesling @ivangiovanett @castelfederwinery @juliustreis

@tobias_riesling @ivangiovanett @castelfederwinery @juliustreis

presenting Riesling Weingut Julius Treis @sorentberg_riesling
and Pinot Nero Castelfeder Winery
#riesling #mosel #wein #vino #wein #winestagram #wineoclock #winetime #winelover #wineoftheday #winetasting #wineporn #drinkriesling #finewine #deutscherwein #dontstopdrinking #keeppushing #thebestneverrest @ 10 Watt Location

Vicenza & Verona are the main cities in north-east Itlay where you find the most bottles of Sorentberg Riesling 💪🏻👊💥🍾🥂
#sorentberg #riesling #rotschiefer #mosel #grownnotmade #sorentbergriesling #jointventure #friends #handcrafted #steepslope #unique #terroir#petrified #fossil #redclay #schiefer #ungrafted #oldvines #finewine #drinkriesling #winefreak #familywinery #leidenschaft #winestagram #winelover #naturalwine #wein #vino #wine
@tobias_riesling @ivangiovanett Castelfeder Winery Weingut Julius Treis
Florence is the city where most Sorentberg Riesling was sold in central Italy 💪🏻💥🥂
#mosel #riesling #handcrafted #steepslope #grownnotmade #oldvines #finewine #drinkriesling #sorentbergriesling #jointventure #friends #unique #terroir #redclay #schiefer #ungrafted #winefreak #familywinery #leidenschaft #winestagram #winelover #naturalwine #wein #vino #wine
@tobias_riesling @ivangiovanett Castelfeder Winery Weingut Julius Treis

Today we’re having this outstanding 2015 riesling ‚von 1000 alten Reben‘ from the Sorentberg winery (@sorentberg_riesling). With 19g/l (!) of residual sugar and an acid level of 9,5% the wine is in perfect harmony and features a fascinating minerality. Also, the story behind this wine actually is pretty amazing! In 2012, the two young winemakers Tobias Treis (@tobias_riesling) and Ivan Giovanett (ivangiovanett) decided to recultivate the almost forgotten ‚Reiler Sorentberg‘ in a side valley of the Mosel river. The Sorentberg is not only extremely steep (up to 110%), but it also features a unique soil type in the Mosel valley, the so-called Wissenbach slate. During the recultivation, around 1.000 ungrafted old vines were found and reactivated after a fallow period of several decades. The exact age of the vines remains a mystery until today, but they are thought to be around 100 years old. This not only means the ability to fully express the unique Sorentberg terroir but of course also means very low yields resulting in only 650 bottles for the 2015 vintage. But believe me, every single one of them is worth being hunted down 😍😍😍
… #riesling #sorentberg #sorentbergriesling #mosel #altereben #von1000altenreben #grownnotmade #moselriesling #germanriesling #deutscherriesling #geilerwein #wine #whitewine #wein #weisswein #vin #vinblanc #viellesvignes #rotschiefer #vino #instawein #instawine #wineporn #winelover #moselwein #redslate #rieslinglover #wineoclock

It´s time to give back it´s original importance by giving the vineyard a sign stating it´s beautiful name: S O R E N T B E R G
This picture shows the vineyard around 1920, when the whole 9,48ha were planted on the traditional single-post 'heart-binding' trellis system. (Thanks to @juliustreis for sharing)
Every vine had its own individual post and no wires are required. This allowed an easier horizontal crossing in the steep slopes!
Today we adapted this old and traditional system to our #oldvines parcel of 'Sorentberg -1000 Alte Reben'
#history #mosel #riesling #handcrafted #steepslope #grownnotmade #oldvines #finewine #drinkriesling #sorentbergriesling #jointventure #friends #unique #terroir #ungrafted #winefreak #tradition #winestagram #winelover #naturalwine #wein #vino #wine @tobias_riesling @ivangiovanett @castelfederwinery

Wie aus einer verlorenen Welt…die Rekultivierung des Sorentbergs bringt selbst Wein-Guru Stuart Pigott, einen der besten Kenner des deutschen Weines, ins Staunen!
Today in the @faz
„From a lost world…the recultivation of the Sorenberg vineyard even amazes wine guru Stuart Pigott, one of the best connoisseurs and critics of German wine! #news #riesling #rotschiefer #grownnotmade #sorentbergriesling #deutscherwein #jointventure #friends #handcrafted #steepslope #unique #terroi #petrified #fossil #redclay #schiefer #ungrafted #oldvines #finewine #drinkriesling #winefreak #familywinery #leidenschaft #winestagram #winelover #wein #vino #wine @stuart.pigott @juliustreis @castelfederwinery @ivangiovanett @tobias_riesling

. #wintereonderland #sorentberg #vineyard #grownnotmade #rotschiefer #riesling #sorentberg #sorentbergriesling #mosel #jointventure #friends #handcrafted #steepslope #unique #terroi #petrified #fossil #redclay #schiefer #ungrafted #oldvines #finewine #drinkriesling #winefreak #familywinery #leidenschaft #winestagram #winelover #wein #vino #wine @tobias_riesling @ivangiovanett Castelfeder Winery Weingut Julius Treis

. #wineandsiena #mosel #riesling #rotschiefer #sorentberg #grownnotmade #sorentbergriesling #jointventure #friends #handcrafted #steepslope #unique #terroir#petrified #fossil #redclay #schiefer #ungrafted #oldvines #finewine #drinkriesling #liquidlife #winefreak #familywinery #leidenschaft #winestagram #winelover #wein #vino #wine @tobias_riesling @ivangiovanett Castelfeder Winery Weingut Julius Treis @ Siena, Italy